Monday, 14 November 2011

Say, hello.

So here we go, first blog, ever... 

So I shall start by introducing myself, I am Eleanor, 23 years old and from the city of Hull, Yorkshire. I have recently just upped sticks and moved away from my loveable home town and taken up living in the big city of London. BIG change, but it is for the best as I have moved here to study my final year of my degree in Production for Live Events and Television.  Although I believe I’m settling into London life, I can usually be heard screaming the Yorkshire war cry of ‘How much??’ and more recently confusing my new friends with my accent and use of words, I’m sorry but ‘bread cake’ is the correct term!!

So why do a blog?  Well firstly to get involved with everyone! Also with hopeful wishing that one day James Cameron will be told about my wonderful blog and my life as an artist and designer and quickly snap me up to work on Avatar 2 & 3, so I can recreate the wonderful imaginary world of Pandora and work with loads of blue people...  Best to aim high!
Studying Production for Live Events and Television I am very lucky as it allows me to cover a vast range of careers and choices I have for my future, however, mine has always lived with the creation of the imaginary world you create for your audience and even for yourself, I am so looking forward to Christmas!!

My life in London is going to be a pretty fast one I’m sure, but I am going to share with you my work as a student and artist and my life and I hope you enjoy it. I’m keeping my first blog short because I don’t want to bore you on our first meeting, but here’s some pictures to wet your appetite of what I like and love. :)

Ahh, one of my many loves, fancy dress. I made this outfit for a party and it has being my greatest fancy dress achievement up to date, I love it! The face pieces were able to move around like a real Mr Potatoe head, very fun! I just can’t wait till I can get it back out again!

It was Halloween the other week and I was so gutted I couldn’t dress up, so instead me and the man craved out pumpkins and watched some Halloween films. Beetlejuice my all time favourite was definitely on the list! Now don’t say it three times, you know what will happen!!
This film has to be one of the main reasons for my love of set and art. Tim Burton works magic with his films by bringing his imagination and others to life! I love his work and how inventive it can be and it’s never too serious. But you either love him, or hate him.

These images if you know me always seem to pop up somewhere, but this is probably one of my favourites pieces of work I did whilst on my Fda. Define Beauty was based around the world we live in and how we perceive each other compared to years ago when we was falling in love with such statues like the Venus de Milo and Michelangelos David. The cast are still sitting in the garden at my parents!

My current profile picture, me looking at my work in progress thinking 'man, theres alot more to do, damn'

These images I captured last year whilst on a day out at Robin Hoods Bay. I love that place and have being visiting once a year for as long as I can remember. These recent photos don’t give the place justice, the scenery around is breath taking and to me, it’s almost like a fairy tale place. Which is why, I don’t know why I’m telling you about it because I love the place so much i don’t want people spoiling it, so keep it our secret.

Elle xx


  1. can tell you're living the big city life now, starting to blog?!!!! southerners pfffft! looking good anyway, keep it coming! ill show nan and grandad so they can keep up to date with how you're doing! much love, tom x

  2. Well done on taking the leap and moving to London! I can't wait to move there! x
