Sunday 24 March 2013

The Blue Fairy Book

So from my last post I said I was packing to move house.
After a month we are finally starting to settle into the new place. But, more on the house and moving later.

As much as I hate packing I also love it, you come across things that you forgot you had, well I do anyways. When packing up my collection of books I came across this little beauty that I had forgotten about, I don’t know how its so big!
I picked it up at Wimbledon Car Boot Sale the other month (which I must say is definitely worth a visit!).

Any lover of poetry and literature might have heard of Andrew Lang, a writer and poet. The fairy tales are wonderfully written and really take me back to my childhood and reading my Nanas many fairy tale books.
The person behind the illustrations is a man called Charles Van Sandwyk. His images really inspire my imagination. His traditional illustrations are a massive step away from the likes of Disney cartoons. Its a refreshing thing to see the likes of ‘Rumpelstilzkin’ or ‘Aladdin and The Genie’ with a more imaginative and mature look. The book is part of the FolioSociety, which I wasn’t aware of until I did a bit of research; it is a society (of course) taking interest in ‘beautiful illustrated books’, which this one definitely is. 

Rather than me talk about the illustrations here's some images of only a few of the illustrations depicting the story been told. For the actual stories, go out and get an Andrew Lang book!

Puss In Boots

Beauty & the Beast

Aladdin and the Genie


Cinders' Castle

Anybody knows any where else where I can get some of these books or even just the prints, let me know!
Thanks for popping by :)
Elle x

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